by K and E Cabin Rentals, LLC
by K and E Cabin Rentals, LLC
Local Attractions
in the PA Wilds,
Tioga County
PA Grand Canyon - enjoy the overlook, hike the Turkey Trail.
Tioga County Fair, Wellsboro,PA
Historic Wellsboro
Wellsboro Directory
Dickens of a Christmas, Wellsboro-
first Saturday in December
Tioga-Hammond Lake -
fishing, boating, picnics. Nearby
Lambs Creek Recreation Area for
3.5 mile paved trail to hike or bike.
Pine Creek Outfitters - guided canyon raft trips, raft-canoe-wetsuit rentals.
www.pinecrk.com for outdoor adventure in the wild & scenic Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania
Hills Creek State Park, Wellsboro
swimming, fishing, hiking, boating
North Woods Gift Shop, Gaines
largest gift shop in Tioga & Potter Co.
Watkins Glen State Park - 19 waterfalls
Cox's Northern Tier Harley-Davidson
Ski Sawmill http://www.skisawmill.com/
Thunder Ridge Outdoors
Archery Pro Shop & Food Plot Supplies, Hunting Blinds, Deer Minerals
717-989-6239 in the Parkesburg, Lancaster area
Pine Creek Rail Trail - a magnificent multi-use trail on the old rail line. A gently graded, graveled path, the Pine Creek Trail travels along the floor of Pine Creek Gorge. You can bike, hike, cross-country ski, or snowshoe.
The famous Wellsboro Diner - an area landmark since 1939.
Canyon Vista Motorcycle Tours
Scenic Route 6
Tioga Central Railroad, Wellsboro
Thursdays-Hors d'oeuvres & drinks
Fridays-Ice Cream Express
Saturday Dinner Trains
Sunday Brunch Trains
Lake Hammond Excursion
Ole Covered Wagon Tours-ride through the PA Grand Canyon in a covered wagon pulled by horses
Tioga Trail Rides - take yourself back to the old west, be a cowboy!
Tony's Tioga Trolley Tours, Wellsboro
Corning Museum of Glass, NY
Golfing - Tyoga Country Club
Corey Creek Golf Club
Hills Creek State Park
Cherry Springs State Park, Galeton,PA
has darkest skies for star gazing and observatory, in Potter County, 1 hour drive from Blossburg.
Warm, comfortable Alpaca socks at Frog Creek Socks